My Timber Forester
My Timber Forester
My timber forester provides our landowner client with a first class market based timber forester when needed for timber market knowledge, experience and timber markets know how. Hardwood timber and log markets are complicated, change quickly and must be worked in full time to stay on top of various market and logging force dynamics.
When its time to sell timber, sale preparation, sale marketing and log merchandising are critical to maximizing timber sale opportunities for our clients. Work begins with a current timber inventory & appraisal to estimate and determine the volume and estimated market value of timber to be sold. This timber volume data and timber sale mapping is then provided to the forest industry for purchase offers and harvest contract terms. Most often this is done with our competitive sale process with Timber2Market. Once the best timber sale price and sale terms are set our timber forester provides final timber sale contract and payment terms along with proper seller protections for insurance coverage, liabilities protection and other important terms for the owner. For more information on what our timber forester can do for your timber sale email us at